Triangle Site Station Road/A4018

3.01 Hectares (7.45 Acres)

Freehold serviced residential development site with planning consent for up to 130 dwellings on the North West fringe of Bristol.

Bristol is the regional capital of the South-West and is one of the principal centres outside of London with an established commercial and industrial base. It is the 5th largest city in the UK and is regarded as one of the best places to live and work, benefitting from a mix of successful & emerging local businesses, national employers and a vibrant cultural scene.

The site is located approximately 9.6 km (6 miles) to the north-west of Bristol city centre and approximately 1.6 km south-west of junction 17 of the M5, which in turn leads to the M4/M5 interchange at Almondsbury approximately 6.4 km (4 miles) to the north-east. The site is  adjacent to the A4018, one of Bristol’s main arterial roads which connects to the M5.

The site being sold extends to 7.45 acres (gross) and forms the majority of the land known as the Triangle, Cribbs Causeway. It is shown edged red on the plan above.
The remainder of the Triangle land is made up of 1.83 acres and is being sold to Lidl who will develop a new food store.
The land is level and bordered by Station Road to the west and the A4018 to the east. The southern boundary is bordered by the railway line.

The site forms part of a wider consented masterplan for up to 1,000 dwellings. The remainder of this wider area (excluding the Triangle) is owned and under development by Taylor Wimpey Ltd and Bellway Homes Ltd. The whole consented area is in the process of being serviced by a joint venture between Taylor Wimpey Ltd and Bellway Homes Ltd, who will deliver the Primary Infrastructure. This Primary Infrastructure will be completed by the proposed Triangle sale completion date.

A full breakdown of all the infrastructure works is available in the Data Room.

The Triangle is split into two residential areas, a Lidl food store fronting on to the A4018, a Community Facility accessed directly off Station Road and public open space which is located in two areas.

Planning Permission was granted for a 1,000-dwelling mixed-use scheme on 25th January 2021 (reference PT14/0565/O). This permission covered both the land now owned by Taylor Wimpey Ltd and Bellway Homes Ltd (the Main Site) and the Triangle.

A detailed Infrastructure Consent has been granted (reference PT17/2562/F) and the permitted works are under way. The Triangle Site has capacity for between 100 to 130 dwellings.

Copies of the planning permissions, parameter plans, CPNN Framework Agreement and Section 106 Agreement are provided in the Data Room.

The 2021 planning consent is an outline permission subject to reserved matters applications. The permission contains Parameters Plans which define use, mix, heights, landscaping requirements and densities.
The development of the site is subject to an indicative masterplan and a design code. These documents are being developed and are in the process of being agreed with South Gloucestershire Council.

Under the terms of the outline planning permission, parts of the site are to be designated as Public Open Space (indicatively marked E & F on the plan above).

Also, South Gloucestershire Council can request the landowner to transfer a serviced site for a community centre of 500m2 floor area with attendant open space and car parking (for zero consideration).
An indicative location for this community centre is shown marked B on the plan above.


The Roof Tax obligations amount to £17,070 for each dwelling (plus indexation from the date of the CPNN Framework Agreement – 20.02.2018) including all of the affordable housing units. The purchaser will be responsible for these costs. There is no CIL liability for the site.
There is an obligation on the purchaser to pay Roof Tax contributions on a minimum of 100 dwellings, regardless of how many dwellings are constructed.

The affordable housing is to be provided as 25.5% of the total numbers of housing, in accordance with the Site Specific S106 Agreement and Framework Agreement. The exact mix and tenure of the affordable housing is to be delivered in full compliance with the Affordable Housing Schedule in the s106 Agreement, as set out in the Data Room.
Any queries in respect of the affordable housing element should be directed to Simon Parks, Affordable Housing Director at CJH Land, and no direct contact should be made with either South Gloucestershire Council or any Registered Providers in respect of the parcel being offered for sale.


The Triangle Site is offered for sale on a serviced basis by Informal Tender. The land is being sold with the benefit of outline planning permission. The Triangle Site infrastructure will be completed prior to purchase of the site.  
All offers are to include a layout for the proposed scheme supporting the financial offer. The sums allowed for the affordable housing element should be clearly outlined and evidence of the ability to complete the purchase will need to be provided.
The Vendor will be seeking an exchange of contracts by no later than 3rd December 2021. Completion of contracts will be targeted for Friday 17th December 2021.
Proposals to be received at the offices of CJH Land Limited, marked for the attention of Mr C Glover, by noon on Friday 8th October 2021.



  • Data Room access is available on request. Contents Summary:
  • Full Ground Investigation Report.
  • Utilities / Services Information.
  • S278 & S38 Designs (Highway designs for junction improvements and the main spine road being delivered as part of the Infrastructure Work).
  • Ecological Report and Mitigation Report.
  • Proposed finished ground levels for the site.
  • Red line plans.
  • Infrastructure Delivery Works Plan.
  • Drainage Solutions including details of foul and surface water drainage.
  • CPNN Framework Agreement
  • Copy of the planning permission & Section S106 Agreement
  • Triggers for Roof Tax & S106 Schedule
  • Copy of the emerging Design Code and Phasing Plan.
  • Copy of the emerging Masterplan
  • Affordable Housing Schedule

The site can be viewed at any time, via the surrounding road network. Sat Nav postcode is BS10 7TG. Specific access to be arranged via CJH Land however limited to areas where works are not ongoing due to Health and Safety restrictions.

CJH Land Ltd for themselves and for the vendors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that:

Sales particulars and plans have been carefully prepared and are believed to be correct. Intending purchasers should be deemed to have inspected the property and to have satisfied themselves that it is correctly described in the particulars and plans.
No person in the employment of CJH Land Ltd has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.
214805 8/21


BS10 7TG

Chris Glover – CJH Land Limited
[email protected]
Tel: 01275 463588
Mob: 07836 632849

Simon Parks – CJH Land Affordable Limited
[email protected]
Tel: 01275 463588
Mob: 07919 013597