Outline planning permission for 85 dwellings, associated access and facilities
The bustling market town of Kingsbridge lies within the heart of the South Hams district of Devon. The town has a population in excess of 6000 and lies at the northern end of the Kingsbridge Estuary. It is the third largest settlement in the South Hams, following Ivybridge, the largest town and Totnes.
With stunning countryside surrounding the area and the popular sailing town of Salcombe nearby, the community of Kingsbridge has plenty to offer locally. Kingsbridge has excellent local schools, primary and secondary, with Kingsbridge Community College directly opposite the access for the site.
There is a variety of good local shopping facilities, both boutique and larger supermarkets within close proximity to the site as well as South Hams Hospital Kingsbridge on the north west area of the town.
The A38 is within thirty minutes providing access to the west and south west as well as the M5 to the north.
Site K1 has the benefit of outline planning permission for 85 dwellings plus a 50 bed extra-care facility. The land identified for the extra-care facility is to be transferred to SHDC at no cost to the purchaser.
A fully adopted access road is however to be provided to the extra-care land by the purchaser, with all associated services and utilities to service this land.
The application site area for K1 is 3.47 hectares (8.57 acres). The site is close to the town centre being accessed directly off Trebble Park Road.
The land is currently agricultural fields and slopes from the east to the west, with the highest point on the western boundary. The site benefits from views across Kingsbridge and open countryside.
Outline planning permission was granted on 6th June 2014 for the following development:
“Outline Application (with all matters reserved except access) for erection of up to 85 dwellings, a 2/3 storey 50 unit Extra Care Building, vehicular access, open space, play provision and drainage.”
As stated in the description of development, full details were provided only for the matter of access; therefore appearance, landscaping, layout and scale remain reserved matters for future determination. An indicative masterplan was submitted to demonstrate how the proposed development can be accommodated on-site.
The application site comprises 3.47 hectares (8.57 acres) and includes land that links the site to the adopted highway at Trebble Park Road. The Section 106 Agreement identifies 0.95 hectares (2.3 acres) of land for the “extra care” provision; 0.57 hectares (1.41 acres) for allotments (outside of the application site boundary); and 0.3 hectares (0.74 acres) for “other public open space”. The remainder of the land will deliver up to 85 dwellings, 18 of which shall be delivered as affordable housing (70% affordable rent, 30% shared ownership). A Deed of Variation is pending to change the current Section 106 Agreement from social rent to affordable rent.
The application was submitted by Pegasus Group of Bristol (Tel: 01454 625945 Ref: Jim Tarzey / Elizabeth Fowler).
Sarah Griffin, Affordable Housing Director of CJH Land, will be dealing with the disposal of the affordable housing units on this site.
Sarah is currently in discussion with the Registered Provider sector in respect of these units. Prior to submitting an offer for the site, bidding parties are therefore requested to contact Sarah to ensure that the correct level of affordable housing revenue is allowed within their offer proposal.
Method of Sale
K1 is offered for sale by way of an Informal Tender.
Written offers are to be submitted to the offices of CJH Land Limited, marked for the attention of Mr C Glover. Offers will be due by no later than noon on Friday 4th November 2016. Proposals will be considered if sent by post or email ([email protected]).
The site can be viewed along the public footpath on the south-east boundary. If prospective bidders wish to walk the site, we would request that you contact the agents to make formal arrangements.
Information Disc
A full technical pack of information has been included within this brochure and is incorporated on the attached disc: This includes the following:
DISCLAIMER CJH Land Ltd for themselves and for the vendors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that: Sales particulars and plans have been carefully prepared and are believed to be correct. Intending purchasers should be deemed to have inspected the property and to have satisfied themselves that it is correctly described in the particulars and plans. No person in the employment of CJH Land Ltd has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. 162213. 09/16.
Chris Glover – CJH Land Limited
[email protected]
Tel: 01275 463588
Mob: 07836 632849
Sarah Griffin
[email protected]
Tel: 01392 346235
Mob: 07899 062031